Page 13 - OGA 2013
P. 13
Outstanding Governorship Award 2013
As flooding remains a major dilemma affecting Bulacan, FUTURE ENDEAVOURS
the Provincial Government, in partnership with PAGASA and
PRFFWC, extends its efforts towards raising awareness to With the vision to make Bulacan a hub of industrialization
disaster preparedness starting with students at schools. School and model of inclusive economic growth, Gov. Sy-Alvarado
Hydrological Information Network (SHINe) focuses initially on launched the One Bulacan Program for Rapid Industrialization
secondary schools situated at the upstream areas and eventually and Development (PRIDE). One Bulacan PRIDE will strengthen
to spread out to all schools within the province. Schools were existing industries in Bulacan and establish new ones that will
provided with digital rain gauges and river stage monitors optimize the use of the province’s natural wealth, expand its
concurrently conducting an orientation and training to groups productive capacity, create jobs and economic opportunities, and
of students regarding climate change awareness and disaster increase the income of Bulakenyos.
risk reduction. In addition thereto, The Provincial Government Included in the projects under the program is the
of Bulacan also conducted educational campaigns such as Rapid development of the jewelry industry to enable it to compete
Earthquake Damage Assessment System (REDAS), First Aid and strongly in the international market. A jewelry-making complex
Water Safety Orientation Seminar, Fire and Earthquake drills, that will serve as a showroom and production facility, and a tourist
First Bulacan Rescuelympics, Rapid Damage Assessment and attraction as well, is proposed to be set up.
Needs Analysis and the Incident Command System Training to To boost Bulacan’s agro-industries, a modern food
reinforce the province’s preparedness. processing and packaging facility is being eyed in San Rafael and
A structured call center designed to respond to any San Ildefonso.
emergency was all established and made accessible to the Bulacan is rich in mineral resources, and to optimize
citizenry, through a hotline, which comprises 24/7 emergency their use, the program proposes the establishment of a mineral
response call-receiving agents, Emergency Medical Technicians processing center, along with downstream manufacturing plants,
(EMTs), policemen and fire-fighters aimed to respond immediately in the northeastern part of the province. Also the Municipalities of
and timely to emergency situation giving first aid assistance in Pulilan, Plaridel and Baliwag shall comprise the growth corridor
any incident. that will be transformed into a highly urbanized district and will
also house Bulacan’s business and financial center.
To cash in on the growing tourism industry, the Angat
After- Bay Regulator dam is being considered for development
into an Eco Park and Water Sports complex.
A Technohub is proposed to be established in Malolos in
cooperation with the Department of Science and Technology.
It will serve as the nerve center for the development of
local technologies to enhance agricultural production and
manufacturing and other industries, and for harnessing
information and communication technology.
Gov. Alvarado with the confiscated illegal logs
Inauguration of one of the most advanced Gov. Alvarado leads the relief
Gov. Alvarado during the river patrol tour held along public hospital in the country, the Bulacan operation at Brgy. Cambio,
the river banks of Marilao, Meycauayan & Obando. Medical Center in San Miguel