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The Philippine Consumer Market Report AIWA Technologies Philippines Inc. (AIWA) is a The company was a leading manufacturer of
provides a concise overview of one of Home Entertainment, Audio Accessories, Music audio products, including headphone stereos,
the fastest-growing consumption-driven Enthusiastic, and Home Appliances company. mini-component stereo systems, portable
economies in the world. Companies that invest We supply our brand philosophy across the stereo systems, minidisc players, CD, and
in the Philippine economy that is consumption- country, from micro to macro Distribution and cassette players, and car stereo systems
driven are based on: economic fundamentals, Retail Industry. The success story of AIWA is throughout the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s.
demographics, urbanization, consumption also our success – driven by our commitment Nearly 86 percent of company revenues
spending/exponential growth and investments, to provide Trusted Quality, Japan Technology, were derived from such audio products.
and business facilitation - with emphasis on the Premium, and Innovative products and utmost Twelve percent came from products such as
opportunities in the consumer markets sector. Customer Care to our customers, clients, and televisions and VCRs, and the remaining two
Forecasts on the country’s GDP growth are shareholders, inked by our core values in every percent from computer peripherals and other
above 6%, with government targets set at 8%. output we offer to achieve results correctly. life products.
Traditional and theoretical analysis of the We’ve proudly resurrected the iconic Aiwa Apart from audio products, Aiwa also
Philippine consumer market spending has brand in the passionate pursuit of bringing has been present in other industries.
always favored the female gender or “mom’s people together around music. How do we do The company also made and sold video
spending autonomy.” However, with the that? We create products that deliver legendary products such as VCRs, color televisions,
constant innovations in the digital world, “dads” sound quality; we bring you the music you DVD players, and digital satellite television
have overcome the family spending priorities love, the way it was meant to be heard. tuners. Aiwa also produced computer
on home entertainment products. While this peripheral devices, such as modems,
traditional theoretical analysis was previously Aiwa has a simple formula for delivering heavy terminal adapters, and speakers, and what
gender-based for consumer products, audio equipment without compromise. We the company termed “life amenity products,”
lifestyles have dramatically changed. Today’s have the best acoustic talent, put our money such as air cleaners and humidifiers.
psychographics has changed. Regardless of the into the highest quality components, and offer
innovations and new gadgets we term today, world-class customer service for those that CORE VALUES
the unique selling position continues to rely on want music to be more than background noise VISION: To be the Philippines’ market leader
the brand! And by the brand spelling efficiency, and for those who want their music to have in Home appliances, LED and Smart TVs,
durability, service, and loyalty. the power to entertain. Audio Accessories, and Sound systems.