Page 28 - SB volume 12 for web
P. 28
THE MARKET There are two major kinds of light-emitting NSS produces and distributes industrial
Growing up with incandescent light forever diodes: LED and OLED. The LED is a and commercial electrical products from
changing bulbs and paying for its high light source that uses semiconductors and LED bulbs to flashlights, emergency lights,
consumption is now a thing of the past, electroluminescence to create light. The handy lamps, lampshades, dim-light, solar
and thanks to NSS? Honex, we now have LED is different from the EL lamp because panels, extensions, various cords, sockets
the alternative of saving energy, reducing it uses a small semiconductor crystal with and outlets, radio, doorbells, floodlights,
replacement bulbs, and enjoying a brighter reflectors and other parts to make the light headlights, ceiling lights, and a mosquito
future. It is not all about profit margins brighter and focus on a single point. The swatter. Our products will be guaranteed
other than providing a better life utilizing OLED is very similar to the EL lamp in the best performers in the market today,
innovations without having to wait till design, using a flat sandwich of materials. with the best quality. Our products are also
products reach the market. It is different than the LED and EL lamp in the most affordable in all comparisons. NSS
that it uses organic (carbon) molecules in is available at some malls and small to large
Electroluminescence is an optical and the layer that emits light. electrical retail stores nationwide, such as;
electrical phenomenon in which a material the 168 Mall stall operators, the Gaisano
emits light in response to an electric current malls, and SM.
passed through it or to a strong electric field.
The light produced was dim and not bright SUCCESSES
enough to stimulate further research. By Technology innovations have
1962 the first visible spectrum LED leapfrogged to date and brought us
light was created and was red. The multiple uses, be it for the internet
red LEDs were not bright enough and communications as well as
to be seen in daylight, so the first advances in our daily lives making
LED applications were used as life more convenient.
indicator lights for military use. As
technology progressed in the 1970’s In 2010 NSS, through Honex
additional colors were created, and as Marketing Corporation’s expertise,
new colors became available, new users made these technological advances
for LED lights were in demand. LEDs had available to the Filipino people. We
used in applications such as calculators, have introduced flashlights, LED bulbs,
digital watches, and test devices. The first multiple electrical decorative sockets, and
bright LEDs were developed in the 1980s electrical outlets.
and were more luminous, stable, and cost-
efficient, which saw the demand for LEDs The reward for achievement goes to the
rise dramatically. From 1990 the use of innovators who continue to develop for
LEDs became standard in various industrial society and humankind many of what we
applications, from switch cabinets to enjoy today and, at times, take for granted.
measuring instruments, in consumer products
such as Hi-Fi equipment, telephones, personal HISTORY
computers, and traffic signal installations In 2003, our founder Mr. Jonathan Hao from
for road and railway, or indoor and outdoor the famous Binondo vicinity, ventured to
automotive lighting. For two decades, LED introduce these innovations to the country.
lights have replaced incandescent globes in Hard-pressed with these innovations to make
homes and businesses, offering a cheaper, available to the Filipinos, distribution did
more efficient service in various contexts. not come easy. Still, he succeeded with the
determination and fixed mindset that these
Today we all have taken advantage of the LED products would generate a demand. It was the
lights in our homes, offices, and more. And smaller malls that initially agreed to launch our
unless you wish to increase your electricity products. With the product expanse we have
bills, LED is the new normal! today, our products are available nationwide.