Page 34 - SB volume 12 for web
P. 34
THE MARKET with many uses. While the most common
The population of the Philippines has is for writing and printing, it is also widely
been steadily growing for many years. used as a packaging material, in many
It is the 13th most populated country in the cleaning products, in some industrial and
world, between Mexico and Ethiopia, grew construction processes, and even as a food
at a rate of 1.72% between 2010 and 2015. ingredient – particularly in Asian cultures.
The 2019 population is 108.12 million,
according to the latest U.N. estimates. Paper, and the pulp papermaking process,
The cities are expanding while newfound were said to be developed in China during
cities acquire cityhood due to their the early 2nd century A.D., possibly as
increasing population. early as the year 105 A.D., by the Han
ACHIEVEMENTS court eunuch Cai Lun. However, the
Traditional ways and lifestyles have Papertech has brought its products closer earliest archaeological fragments of paper
had upward mobility as more acquire to its consumers, incessantly bringing derive from the 2nd century B.C. in China.
more affluent lifestyles. Advertising on the product manufactured to its target The modern pulp and paper industry is
television, radio, and print has expanded customers other than the traditional global, with China leading production
to newfound platforms such as the internet distribution strategies. Keeping up and the United States behind it. Paper
with social media sites other than static with the corporate thrust of constant can be produced with various properties,
websites. Events management, or what we availability, accessibility, and visibility, depending on its intended use.
call below-the-line as well as roadshows, Papertech has managed to bring forth its
has become so popular that today have brands to every household. Our products For packaging – corrugated box, paper
the opportunity to handle products and continue to evolve around the Filipino bag, envelope, wrapping tissue, Charta
services offered in the marketplace. lifestyles complementing our requirements emporetica, and wallpaper.
as the economy allows us prosperity
Through education and their newfound with innovative distribution strategies For cleaning – toilet paper, handkerchiefs,
affluence, Filipinos have become more introduced and utilized. paper towels, facial tissues and cat litter
discerning with their sanitation requiring core material in composite materials,
new developments on available products. THE PRODUCT paper engineering, construction paper, and
Historically, paper is a thin material paper clothing.
Paper is synonymous with our population produced by pressing together moist fibers,
due to its consumption in one way or typically cellulose pulp derived from wood, Papertech caters to hygiene and thus offers
another. Such as the products offered rags, or grasses, and drying them into disposable packaged paper products, most
by Papertech. flexible sheets. Paper is a versatile material popularly known as tissue paper.